Peugeot 206 ABS Pump Problems

Problems mentioning the ABS Pump on the Peugeot 206
Abs light on airbag light on stop light on no speedo
2005 1.4 8 valve
Posted: Jan 16, 2025
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What problems can be caused by a faulty ABS Pump?

Brake pedal unresponsive

The brake pedal doesn't respond to pressure in the same way as it did, it doesn't depress or return in the same way and feels like it's not properly connected to the brakes anymore.

ABS warning light shows on dashboard

The ABS (Antilock braking system) warning light has appeared on the dashboard and stays illuminated while driving.

Car skids and brakes lock up when braking hard

When pressing the brakes hard in an emergency stop situation the wheels lock up and the car skids along rather than stop quickly in a straight line.

Brakes making a clicking sound

When you apply pressure to the brake pedal there is a clicking or tapping sound. The sound can be loud or quiet and usually won't be felt through the pedal itself. It will usually sound like it's coming from one of the corners of the car. The clicking will usually increase or decrease in frequency with the speed of the car, ie it will click aster at higher speeds.