Peugeot 206 u shaped item covering exhaust

Car: Peugeot 206
Model Year: 2000
Categories: Engine & Drivetrain
There was a U shaped item covering my exhaust that recently fell off. It was very rusty and quite eroded but I still have it in my car boot at the moment. One mechanic told me it was holding up my exhaust and the exhaust will soon fall off. Another mechanic told me it was nothing to really worry about as it was a protector for when the exhaust gets too hot and as I don't drive a lot then the exhaust won't get too hot.
Does anyone know what the purpose of this U shaped things is and if I don't get it replaced will my exhaust eventually fall off?
Many thanks
Posted: Oct 12, 2013 (11 years ago)
'bout the only thing I think it could be is an exhaust clamp,
they're around 8mm diameter rod with the "U" being around 50mm between the legs?
if so then theyre for clamping exuaust pipes together,and if one's off the all you need is to get it replaced.
Posted Oct 12, 2013 (11 years ago)
Sounds like heat shield , take second mechanics opinion , exhaust wont fall off .Dont worry about it .
Posted Oct 12, 2013 (11 years ago)

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