Peugeot 206 oil leak

Car: Peugeot 206
Variant: 1.4 petrol
Model Year: 2005
Categories: Leaks & Noises
I have an oil leak and it looks like it is coming from the top left hand side of the engine as you look at it. I have checked water and that seem clear and there is no white build up in oil. Can any one give me any other ideas.

Posted: Aug 13, 2013 (11 years ago)
Need to clean / wash that area down and then , if needed use tracing powder to see exactly where leak is coming from .Might see by just cleaning and running engine .Could be cam box gasket or cam oil seal , even head gasket . Hard to me more exact without seeing or more info .
Posted Aug 13, 2013 (11 years ago)

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