Peugeot 206 air con won't turn off

Car: Peugeot 206
Variant: 206 GTi
Model Year: 2000
Categories: Leaks & Noises
Since yesterday, when engine is running, the air con / air flow is constantly on high air flow. The temperature button, the auto button, the directional button, all works and changes the air temp. etc. as it should. The fan strength button is already on its lowest but the flow feels like maximum. When pressing the button to increase the fan strength, you can hear the fan increasing a touch. Decreasing it doesn't reduce it to low. I cant get it to turn off. it won't turn off! The 'off' button when depressed doesn't stop the air flow, although the display does turn 'Off'. I've tried depressing it for a good 10 secs but still air flow is blowing high. Any suggestions please
Posted: Jul 3, 2013 (11 years ago)
first thing to try is the heater motor resistor found behind glove box think this will cure your problem
Posted Jul 4, 2013 (11 years ago)
I've taken a look behind the glove box from underneath passengers side footwell and can't see what I'm supposed to be looking for? Can you describe the resistor please.
Posted Jul 4, 2013 (11 years ago)
you will have to remove glove box and heater motor assembly to access the resistor
Posted Jul 5, 2013 (11 years ago)
the resistor module may be incorporated within the fan on that model
Posted Jul 6, 2013 (11 years ago)

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