Peugeot 206 engine cutting out, high revs when idle and car moving under own power

Car: Peugeot 206
Variant: 1.4 petrol
Model Year: 2000
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
brought my first car 6 months ago and it started off fine although 12 years old it has only now done 42,000 miles over the last couple of months it has started cutting out every now and again with the engine light comming on then kicking back into life (the engine was running the whole time).

2 weeks ago the engine light came on and i lost all power on the accelerator pedal going 30, changed down to 2nd and it jolted around and then worked again.

today i was driving along and the revs when changing gear were all over the place and i drove along a back road in 3rd with the car under power yet with no feet on the pedals, sat at a junction in 1st with my foot on the clutch the rev counter was on 3,000 rpm when its normally around 1,000.

since i have owned the car i have done nothing to it or added anything not so much as a new bulb. any help you could give would be greatly appreciated as i know barely anything about cars and to be able to go to the garage with atleast some idea would be great, many thanks

Posted: Jan 31, 2012 (13 years ago)
I had the exact same problem with my Peugeot 307 HDI Turbo diesel. I ended up replacing the EGR valve (cost of £200) then the turbo died replaced that to (cost of £600) and now she is working fine.

I only had my car for 6 months was driving on the motorway and just lost all power, then the car wouldnt turn on. RAC diagnosis was that I needed a new valve, but then needed a new turbo. Hence, I am selling my car!!

Get rid of the Peugeot they are a waste, eventually the engine will die on you and a new engine costs a bomb!

Good Luck
Posted Jan 31, 2012 (13 years ago)
I would suspect a fault with the idle control valve. this may need replacing or possibly a good clean and a bit 0f wd40.totally different fault to the 307!!
Posted Jan 31, 2012 (13 years ago)
Hi Paulieone,

Could you expand on what/ where the Idle Control Valve is please? Haynes manual doesn't refer to this. Very similar problem, idles at 2000 rpm with 'STOP' light flashing on dash, car is 51 plate 206 with 1.4 SOHC petrol engine. Cheers.
Posted Feb 29, 2012 (13 years ago)

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