Peugeot 206 exhaust came off, changed one, now strange sound ...

Car: Peugeot 206
Variant: fever
Model Year: 2004
Categories: Leaks & Noises
Just bought this 206 a week ago with new MOT saying nothing need to be done.

Today i was driving along M1 and suddenly i heard a sound, something has dropped. and it was an exhaust thing.

Luckily i was in the left lane so can pull off to hard shoulder easily and that exhaust thing didn't hit any other vehicle.

RAC people then took me to an approved garage and changed a back box or whatever they call it for me. and cost 112 pounds.

However after that i hear a sound whenever i drive slowly, saying about 5-15 mph. sounds like coming underneath, sound gone when driving faster,

but when i brake and slow down i hear the sound again. although it is not a very loud sound but that worries me after the M1 incident and now i just worry will it come off again sometime in the future.

And this car has passed its MOT like a week ago, what should i do now, go for a interim or full service ?
Posted: Jan 26, 2012 (13 years ago)
sounds like when they fitted the back box they pushed it on to far all you need to do is losen two nuts on the last clamp move the box closer to the back of the car and do the two nuts up dont pull it too far back or it will drop off although that is not a prob as it just pushes on
very easy job have fun
Posted Jan 26, 2012 (13 years ago)
It could be just that its a new piece of exhaust, you tend to find the noise changes abit when you renew part or all of an exhaust.
Posted Jan 26, 2012 (13 years ago)
Dear 1st reply,

So do i need to go to a garage to let them have a look ? as i would i say i am definite not an expert on this. So i could get the situation even worse.

Dear 2nd reply

So will the sound gone in the future ?

To all :

is that still safe to drive ? is all my concern.
Posted Jan 27, 2012 (13 years ago)
I would imagine it will be fine
Posted Jan 27, 2012 (13 years ago)
well, i guess i would take that and drive two more days.

My old punto used to have loud sound whenever i stopped but still managed to drive few months.

I will go to garage on Monday anyway i just want a good sleep at night.

thanks to all
Posted Jan 28, 2012 (13 years ago)

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