Peugeot 206 problem with car cutting out of power when driving and sometimes not starting

Car: Peugeot 206
Variant: 1.4 petrol urban
Model Year: 2006
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
Over the past few months my 206 has started to play up. A few times when driving not long after starting the car the electrics in the car have all cut out and I have had to freewheel then restart by turning ignition off and on and the electrics and engine will work again.
Some days when turning the key the electrics will turn on as normal on first key position but engine won't turn over until after a few goes trying.
Problems have been happening when engine is cold or not long after car has started.
Any advice would be great.
Posted: Jan 4, 2012 (13 years ago)
Your first port of call would be a code read to elliminate anys possible faults with the engine, if that checks out ok check battery leads and engine earth
Posted Jan 5, 2012 (13 years ago)
i had a similar problem, the previous owner of my car changed the battery before selling it. this new battery was smaller than the origional. this meant it sat lower in the battery casing and one of the battery ocnnectors was not able to stay attatched.
I just cut a hole down into the casing so it made room for the connector to slot down and attatch properly. I dare say putting a piece of wood underneith the battery to raise the position of the battery could also be halpful and avoid having to cut through the casing.
Posted Jan 21, 2012 (13 years ago)
hi i want to know if someone has got any ideas with my girlfriends 206 1.4 petrol i was driving as normal and it just decided to cut out all the lights stayed on fine just lost power i put it down a gear an went 4 it but nothing a couple of lil pops from exhaust we stopped and turned it over its turning but like its not got compression and turning over fast a dont think its compression because i had to put it in first and use the starter to shift it into a lay bye so wouldn't say timing either when turning over its sort of a fast high pitch noise seems normal apart from that, would fuel starvation make it turn over funny am out of ideas if you have any would be much appreciated.
Posted Feb 8, 2012 (13 years ago)

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