Peugeot 1007 immobilizer

Car: Peugeot 1007
Variant: Boxer Van 250
Model Year: 2005
Categories: Electrics, ECU, Warnings & Lights
I changed a fues in my van and now it want start there is a warning light on i looked this up that and its a car with a pad lock on it immobilizer has come on it went 1st time befor i changed this fuse i have pushed the fues all the way in then i found o broked wire that looks to go into this small box with 16 other wires and bolted down to the body of the van, there is on out wires from this box so i take it its a earth ? so i extended this wire that was broken to the bolt to earth it but still nothing i have even used the spare key and that did not work there is no remote locking i called the dealer refs this and he told me to take the lead of the battery and re fit it after 10 mins not to try and start it for another 20 mins for it to reboot done that and still this light is on i have even took the battery of and re charged it please help
Posted: Jan 31, 2009 (16 years ago)
firstly remove the wire that you have extended from the body work earth and then try the dealer routine again failing that check the fuses again but that is all i can say as we are not allowed to give repair info on this sight if you are still having no luck please refer to either the dealers or a garage that you know
Posted Jan 31, 2009 (16 years ago)

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