Could replace engine coolant temp sensor . If faulty it can send a false signal to the computer and throw off the fuel and timing calculations. This will cause the computer to think the engine is cold, even when it is not, and as a result will over richen to compensate . Could also check / clean MAF if not .
Posted Jul 27, 2020 (4 years ago)
Replying to post by whittingehame:
Could replace engine coolant temp sensor . If faulty it can send a false signal to the computer and throw off the fuel and timing calculations. This will cause the computer to think the engine is cold, even when it is not, and as a result will over richen to compensate . Could also check / clean MAF if not .
Thank you for your rapid response I will try what you have said and it goes make sense when you think about it.
Thanks once again I will get back to you.
Posted Jul 27, 2020 (4 years ago)
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