Car: Mitsubishi L200 Variant: Barbarian 40000 miles Model Year: 2019
Leaks & Noises
First happened 2 weeks ago driving back from a 1 hour journey, heaters set on 21c all of a sudden they just started blowing cooler air, set heaters on maximum temperature 29c and still blowing cold air.
Truck never warmed up and still driving as normal, checked water levels all good, both heater matrix pipes hot into cab.
Flushed coolant.
Top pipe going to radiator is hot (normal temperature) bottom hose going to water pump is cold is this normal?
Also noticed a little noise coming from heater matrix, not leaking though.
Posted: Apr 26, 2024 (7 months ago)
If temp gauge normal and both hoses into heater matrix are hot it can be a sign of a faulty flap actuator , or possibly air lock . Could try bleeding .Possibly thermostat jammed open if running cool
Replying to post by whittingehame:
If temp gauge normal and both hoses into heater matrix are hot it can be a sign of a faulty flap actuator , or possibly air lock . Could try bleeding .Possibly thermostat jammed open if running cool
Can you get at the flap actuator from the foot well?
Passengers side is slightly warmer than the drivers side to.
Posted Apr 27, 2024 (7 months ago)
Not sure . On some cars you can get access and manually move to verify if faulty or not .
Posted Apr 27, 2024 (7 months ago)
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