Mitsubishi L200 unable to loosen crankshaft pulley bolt

Car: Mitsubishi L200
Variant: 2.5 diesel
Model Year: 2008
Categories: Engine & Drivetrain
Local garage cannot loosen crankshaft bolt.They say "it appears that the bolt has been tightened in cross threaded or someone has applied locktite glue" I dont think they have much idea how to loosen the bolt. The so called "Engineer" looked about 23 years old (hardly experienced)
Posted: Jan 5, 2013 (12 years ago)
Some times have had to jam on a Samson bar and then flick engine to crack some .
Posted Jan 5, 2013 (12 years ago)
They normally do have thread lock on them and are tight as the torq setting is very high. Normally jam a breaker bar against the chassis and crank the engine to loosen as already suggested,or put in gear and foot on brake with assistant,you can loosen it that way.If still not then slight heat with care ,then try.
Posted Jan 5, 2013 (12 years ago)
The radiatr requires removing on that vehicle to get greater access to actually loosen the crank bolt,and there,s 3belts to change when you do get in there ,hopefully they know what there doing ,If you have any doubt then speak to the service manager,as if this job is not done correctly,I.e.belt tension,s correct ,they tend to make a whirring noise.
Posted Jan 6, 2013 (12 years ago)
If it's a small , local , non franchised garage it's usually owner run and doubtful if they would have a Service Manager . As you mention the " Engineer " didn't fill you with confidence , might be best to speak to the owner and ask if they are capable of carrying out the work needed rather than let them learn at your expense. If they are beat with that , wouldn't fill me with confidence on repairing correctly . Saying that I have had a good few young mechanics over the years who were s*** hot and could fix anything , despite their young years and who I would put up against any others .There are also plenty of small garages and owners whom I know that will do a far better job than the bigger , main dealers but there are plenty of cowboys also who I wouldn't let near a car .You have to decide whether to pull car out or not . You dont mention what the car is in for in the first place ? Best of luck .
Posted Jan 6, 2013 (12 years ago)
I had a job undoing mine, what I did is remove the radiator for better access take off the outer pully four small bolts get some angle iron drill two holes in it put two bolt back in turn engine so angle iron is touching the floor, now warm bolt gently with blow lamp then start undoing bolt with a very long extension bar.
Posted Feb 20, 2013 (12 years ago)
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