rover 200 and 400,25 and 45 and zr all use a r65 gearbox which is the same as what is fitted to your car,as long as you get driveshafts to fit a r65 box you should be ok,take the old one out to use as a template,alternatively if you want to replace the cv joints you will need to remove the driveshafts as i previously gave instructions how to do,you will need to renew the cv gaiters,clips,grease and hub nuts,if you get a cv gaiter kit it normally contains all the stuff that needs changing but double check before you start stripping down
1 - remove driveshafts from vehicle
2 - secure the driveshaft in a bench vice
3 - remove the cv gaiter securing clips
4 - pull back the gaiter for access
5 - the cv joint is held on with an internal circlip
6 - you need to turn the cv joint at an angle and tap the cv joint with a copper hammer to release from the shaft
7 - remove the cv gaiter and fit new one with clip to driveshaft
8 - pack cv joint with cv grease and fill cv gaiter with grease
9 - place cv joint onto shaft making sure that spring clip is located in groove,you may need to push the clip in and hold with small screwdriver and give the cv joint a firm tap with a copper hammer untill it is fully home on driveshaft
10 - fit cv gaiter and clip to cv joint,once you are happy that cv gaiter and cv joint are fitted correctly tighten the securing clips
11 - refit driveshaft to car
if you need further help then get back to me
Posted Jan 18, 2011 (14 years ago)