Mercedes Benz A Class starting problems

Car: Mercedes Benz A Class
Variant: 180CDi
Model Year: 2005
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
The car will start quite happily every morning and throughout the day if left for a period of say 15 minutes since the engine was last turned off.

If you turn the ignition off such as when filling up with fuel, when you return to the car a few minutes later it will not start. It cranks over without any hesitation and you can hear it actually trying to fire - but it doesn't actually start. If you then sit back and wait for ten minutes or so it will then start without any problem. Temperature does not seem to be an issue and there's plenty of diesel in the tank.

Once running performance is absolutely fine.

Is it a dodgy key not releasing the immobilser or something more serious??!!
Posted: Sep 9, 2009 (15 years ago)
Give it a FULL service first and get the fuel pressure checked
Posted Feb 5, 2012 (13 years ago)

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