Mazda 626
starts drives 2 or 3 miles cuts out. wont restart engine turns over but dosent fire.come back next day starts first time, 2 or 3 miles cuts out wont start
Car: Mazda 626 Variant: 2.oi 16v Lregistration petrol Model Year: 0000
Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
Posted: Feb 1, 2011 (14 years ago)
Could be a engine coolant temperature sensor problem .
Posted Feb 1, 2011 (14 years ago)
They also can suffer from losing spark when engine warm ,
" both of these sound like an igniter/ pick-up faults that were common in both distributors. There is some testing for the 1991 dist. , but not much with the 96 dist ( assuming its a 4 cyl)
Most likey this is the cause of your no spark....if the igniter/pick-up is won't tell the coil to spark
Cosmo...Mazda TEch
Posted Feb 1, 2011 (14 years ago)
as whittingehame says these cars have igniter problems you can buy the ignition parts seporatly remove ignitor fords did do a repair kit but mazda didnt so check part for id you may get it cheeper from fords if your local parts guy is helpfull as ford/mazda use common parts
Posted Feb 2, 2011 (14 years ago)
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