Kia Spectra rpm decreasing

Car: Kia Spectra
Variant: 1.6 manual
Model Year: 2002
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
i Am facing this issue from a quite period of time... the car rpm works nice in petrol.... but soon i switch to gas it starts flucturating.... the main issue is that when i accelerat3e the car goes like jet but when i applu brakes the rpm decreses to 0000 and the car is turned off.. then i have again to give ignition... please sort mmy problemout
Posted: Nov 20, 2012 (12 years ago)
Unfortunately I am unable to sort your issue I can only advise you of where that issue may lie and I can definitely tell you have a issue with your LPG system ,you will have to take it to a specialist

Posted Nov 20, 2012 (12 years ago)

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