Hyundai Tucson purchase two 2023 tucson limited six months apart and both have turned out to be lemons.

Car: Hyundai Tucson
Variant: Limited
Model Year: 2023
Categories: Electrics, ECU, Warnings & LightsEngine & Drivetrain
Purchased a 2023 Tucson limited November 1. Within the first 900 miles to the cylinders went out and shut my car down while I was driving on the highway. Then the air filtration system went out a couple weeks later in a couple weeks after that the catalytic converter had to be replaced. I was able to get Hyundai to purchase back my car as a lemon. I just purchased a brand new 2023 Tucson limited again last Monday and before I left the parking lot all of the warning dash lights came on In the air conditioning only blew hot air. They took it to the service department and said it is just a computer glitch and they said they reset things. I drove it home and on the second day I had it all the warning lights on the dash came on again and they told me to drive it to the dealership. They have had it now over a week and can’t figure out what’s wrong. I no longer want this car or any other Tucson. I can’t believe the problems I've had on a brand new car especially with the price I paid. The one I purchased in November last year was a print wheel drive and this one I just purchased is an all wheel drive. I can’t recommend this car to anyone. I am extremely defeated. The dealership has not been very good at responding on what is happening with this car other than they don’t know what’s wrong.
Posted: May 25, 2023 (1 year ago)
Horror story which seems to be happening more often nowadays with a lot of makes , as is complaints about customer servicing and attitude / help given to customers .
Posted May 25, 2023 (1 year ago)

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