Hyundai Santa Fe not starting

Car: Hyundai Santa Fe
Variant: CDX CRTD
Model Year: 2006
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
Yesterday the car would not start. Turned over easily, had a full tank of diesel but nothing. I locked and unlocked the car a few times, put the key in and out of the ignition a few times and then it started. The rest of the day no more problems. Today, while I was driving the immobiliser light came on and the engine stopped. After repeating yesterdays procedure the engine restarted only to stop again 5 miles later.Once again going through the same procedure it started again and got me home. HELP! what is wrong.
Posted: Dec 24, 2011 (13 years ago)
From your description it looks like the key antenna is not reading the key correctly, a code read will confirm this,possibly a connection problem as it still works and just requires the connections at the antenna ring cleaned and greased and the immobilizer box connections.
Posted Dec 24, 2011 (13 years ago)

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