Ford Mondeo teperature gauge/fan only working on setting 4

Car: Ford Mondeo
Variant: 2.0 ghia auto
Model Year: 1998
Categories: Leaks & Noises
Hi, I am new here.
I have recently brought a mondeo. Its in very good condition, with only 46k milage.
I have two problems.
1st prob is that temp gauge only moves between 5 and 10 mill during everyday driving.
Whilst the heater is hot'ish, its not as hot as it should be, prob just above warm actually.
Also, the fan only works on speed 4, in either direction, eg, to the left or right.
I pretty much know the prob for this, but how do you access where the sensor thing is ?
[email protected]
Posted: Dec 21, 2010 (14 years ago)
Heater temp . could be thermostat stuck open . Heater motor fault normally ballast resistor knackered .
Posted Dec 21, 2010 (14 years ago)

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