Ford Galaxy reversing lights dont work

Car: Ford Galaxy
Variant: 2.0 manual
Model Year: 1996
Categories: Electrics, ECU, Warnings & Lights
hi can someone please help my wifes galaxy has a problem with the reversing lights they only work when you hold it in reverse can anyone offer me a solution so she doesnt have to keep holding it in gear have already changed the switch but dont know what to do next
Posted: Feb 15, 2011 (14 years ago)
sounds like the gear selector cables need adjusting --

1. Remove the centre console.
1. Open the ashtray and pull it up and out.
2. Unclip the outer gaiter with frame and pull it upwards.

2. Remove the centre console (cont.)
1. Unclip the ashtray lamp fitting.
2. Unclip the data link connector (DLC).
3. Cut through the bridge between the two sides of the console.
• Remove the bolts.
• Take off the centre console.


Put the transmission into neutral. Pull the cable mounting locking mechanism back and lock it to the left.

3. Push the shift and selector cables out of the cable mounting.

4. Push the gearshift lever adjustment tool in as far as the stop and lock it.
1. Push the selector cable (coloured blue) into the right‐hand side mounting and release the cable mounting locking mechanism.
2. Push the shift cable (coloured black) into the left‐hand side mounting and release the cable mounting locking mechanism.
• Remove the adjusting tool.
• Depress the clutch and change up and down through the gears several times. The gear changing must be light and easy. The gearshift lever must lie between the 3rd and 4th gear positions when in neutral.
• Check that the reverse gear blocker operates correctly.

5. Install the centre console.
• Insert the centre console.
• Screw in the bolts.
1. Clip the ashtray lamp fitting in place.
2. Clip in the DLC.

6. Install the centre console (cont.).
1. Install the ashtray.
2. Clip the outer gaiter with frame in place.
7. Standard Finishing Operations.
Carry out a road test

Posted Feb 15, 2011 (14 years ago)
Was it a new switch you fitted ? This is the same fault ,
Posted Feb 16, 2011 (14 years ago)
I HAVE THE 1.9 tdi 2001 5 speed automatic and looked everywhere for the reverse switch and can not find it looked under batt tray not there and not on side of engine please help
Posted May 23, 2016 (8 years ago)

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