Ford Focus smokey

Car: Ford Focus
Variant: 1.8 ghia tdi
Model Year: 2002
Categories: Electrics, ECU, Warnings & Lights
hi i was hoping someone could help! as the mornings have got darker,i have noticed smoke coming from the exhaust(only in the cars behind lights) when i put my foot down a bit.i cant see it in the day time(or its just more difficult to) i hant had the car long but have noticed the oil is a bit above max..could this be causing the pressure to build and burn of oil? hope someone can shine some light.

Posted: Nov 11, 2009 (15 years ago)
All depends on colour of smoke.Is the car using water or oil ? If not is it running o.k? Temp guage ok? If so , it might just be the usual that comes out of the exhaust under normal conditions until engine reaches working temp.Oil level slightly above max should be ok , it's only when it is well above that you get probs.
Posted Nov 11, 2009 (15 years ago)
hey thank you for your reply!well im not using oil or water and as i can only see the smoke when light level is low and there is a car with its lights on behind me.but i have seen slight plumes in the day and id say it was white.everything else is good engine wise oh and i checked the oil level again and it is about half a litre over aprox could this cause the problem?
Posted Nov 12, 2009 (15 years ago)
Should be ok with oil level and also smoke which is just steam produced by engine .If you tend to do a lot of start / stop town driving it tends to last longer ,whereas a trip down motorway will blast it out the rear .Can't remember the figure ,but every gallon of fuel used produces so much water , nothing to worry about .
Posted Nov 12, 2009 (15 years ago)
hi again.i waondered if anyone can help me.the last couple of times ive gone to my car and before i put the ignition on,the fuel guage needle is on half full and the temp guage is either a quater the way up or is twithching.there is obviously some sort of electrical problem but does anyone know any common faults in this area?
Posted Jan 24, 2010 (15 years ago)

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