Lumpy transmission and when dpf kicks in, smelly exhaust fumes in car. Soot on cabin filter. No visible fumes. No visible exhaust soot around engine or exhaust. No visible issues just what is described.
1. Only happens after being around town. Then going for the big drive when it feels very lumpy followed by a dash fault nox2 gets worse until fault cleared.
then dpf does big burn. Lots of smell in car. Okay until the around town issue happens again.
2. Long drives lumpy at 20mph.
3. Short drives gets more lumpy at 20mph
If no dash light comes on issue resolves to 2. on 50miles drive. If dash light comes on then issue resolves to 1.
Does not idle bad.
Jerky drive.
No Rolls Royce mechanic in boot either.
So stuck!
Posted: Feb 27, 2025 (3 days ago)
You get a smell when it's regenerating , You need to get it scanned with proper equipment like Forscan that covers all systems / modules for fault codes and to see what is triggering the light .
Posted Feb 27, 2025 (3 days ago)
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