Ford Focus wont start,fault code 15

Car: Ford Focus
Model Year: 2000
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
I switch engine on, wont start, the light on the dash board flashes rapidly, After a minute it Will stop flashing rapidly, then Will flash once pause then flash 5 times.
If i switch it from 1-2 8 times, it bleeps, i press unlock, bleeps again. Put the key on number 2 wait till the flashing goes off, then wait 6 minutes switch to 3 then 2 then off and back to 3 the car Will start,
what can the problem be
Posted: Feb 8, 2015 (10 years ago)
When the PATS LED is Flashing continuously the vehicle will not start, try locking/unlocking drivers door lock with key or remote & then try ignition again

Check DTCs (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) on your vehicle using flash codes
The LED indicator is used for the PATS system and also other Anti-theft systems fitted to
the Ford vehicle range.
When the ignition is switched ON, the PATS LED will illuminate for 3 seconds while it
performs a self-test, after which it extuingishes.
When the PATS system is armed and immobilised the vehicle, the PATS LED will flash
If there is a fault on the PATS system, and the engine can start, the PATS LED will
illuminate for 60 seconds continuously, and then flash the PATS fault code 10 times. If
the engine is unable to start and disabled by the PATS system, then the PATS LED will
FLASH for 60 seconds and then flash the PATS fault code 10 times.
PATS LED is mounted either in the front headlining or next to the heater controls/clock.

The PATS system has it’s own self diagnosis test procedure which
flashes codes. The PATS LED will flash quickly for 1 minute, and then
start flashing the fault code as follows:-
Example : code 31
3 Flashes
1 Flash
Three seconds delay
Repeat of code for 10 times
Code Descriptions :-
Code 11 Transceiver not connected
Code 12 Transceiver
Code 13 No key data received
Code 14 Part of the transponder code received
Code 15 Wrong transponder key
Code 21 Less than the minimum keys required programmed
Code 22 Failed diesel pump control unit identification
Code 23 The response code between pump control unit & powertrain
LED = Always ON or OFF
Check the fuse 15 (5 amp)

Could try the key programming process in owners handbook and see if it fixes the problem.

If not , you may need to either get a new key or have the key programmed by a garage / mobile car lock specialist .

Posted Feb 8, 2015 (10 years ago)

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