Ford Fiesta iregular engine running

Car: Ford Fiesta
Variant: 1.4 man
Model Year: 1989
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
most times first thing it will run ok return journey approx 2m engine stopping and starting if i put the foot down no problem soon as i ease off it wants to cut out if i keep foot half on the rev s will build up then die down in regular cycles have changed plugs and filter petrol and air any clues no misfireing
Posted: Nov 30, 2008 (16 years ago)
Check vacuum pipes - inlet manifold and air filter house
Posted Dec 2, 2008 (16 years ago)
thanks for your resonse phil 5555 tried your answer i think you are on the right track, i can start it for a few seconds it will run then it wants to cut out but will eventualy pick up revs if I peddle it but all the time it wants to cut out it did blow a flame couple of times when i started it out the top of carb it does sound like its choking, the cap off the rocker cover has blown off a couple of times when ive reconnected the hoses, the car is one i brought over from spain the only thing i have changed is the dashboard seem too work ok appart from the rev counter it goes well past its limit could the differance in kl to miles on the printed circuit cause an electrical problem further down the line hope you can help im stumped. gary
Posted Dec 5, 2008 (16 years ago)

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