Ford Fiesta wont start even thou had new starter motor but still makes clicking sound and wont fire up when you do a jump start

Car: Ford Fiesta
Variant: 1.3 ghia
Model Year: 1996
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
P REG FORD wouldn't start prior to christmas, jump started car and car was fine went on a 20 min car ride, went bck to car and battery was flat again when to jump start again with jump leads and it was making a click click sound, after putting car in gear and rocking car it fired up no problems, the problem contiuned over christmas and new year so replaced starter motor today and then jump started which was fine left it running then turned engine off then went bck to it and turned the key and it was making the clicking sound tried to jump start the car and it wouldn't work !!!!! ANY SUGGESTIONS, WETHER I NEED NEW BATTERY OR IF IT ELECTRICAL FAULT SOMEWHERE ON THE WIRING
Posted: Jan 4, 2012 (13 years ago)
I would start with the battery, is the alternator putting enough charge into it, is the battery shot. Lots of battery problems once the cold weather starts if its on its way out.
Posted Jan 4, 2012 (13 years ago)
Hmm,rocking it back and forward then it started?
Sounds a lot like hydraulic lock,thats what you get when the cylinder head gasket is gone.
Take out the spark plugs and spin it over,then refit them and retry.
If still no difference use one of the jump leads to connect the battery negative to the engine,this will bypass the engine earth lead.
Posted Jan 6, 2012 (13 years ago)
As Tez says check the battery and don't forget battery live/earth conections and power lead supply to starter motor, also check solenoid feed
Posted Jan 7, 2012 (13 years ago)

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