sounds to me that your brake pads may be nearing the end of there life, and will need replacing, or you have a sticky caliper.
if you replace to pads, you must do both sides at the front same time.
if the caliper is sticking, the only way i know khow to fix that is, take the pads out, put bits of wood where the pads go about 1/2 the thickness press the brake pedal so the cylinders come out a bit more, clean with brake fluid and rag, actualy twist the cylinders by hand back and forth if you can, then remove the wood, press back the cylinders with a lever, then re-fit the pads. you should remove the fluid fill cap before doing this work. then press the brake pedal a few times. if this doesnt work, it may mean you have to change the caliper.
just to check the wheel bearing, all you have to do is jack the car up, dont take the tyre off, grab the tyre top and bottom, and try and rock it to see if there is any play, if there is adjust and grease the bearing, or replace it. if you get hold of the tyer from side to side, and there is play, this usaly means the ball/swivel joints need replacing.
Posted Jul 5, 2009 (15 years ago)