Ford C-MAX child lock malfunction, rear door drivers side

Car: Ford C-MAX
Variant: Grand c max titanium
Model Year: 2013
Categories: Electrics, ECU, Warnings & Lights
Got this problem around 12 months ago. The rear drivers side door won’t lock and the window doesn’t work either. Pressing the child lock button a few times in the driver door fixed the issue for a while but now that doesn’t work. So the door and window didn’t work for a year then all of a sudden my 4 year old was pressing it while I was driving and the window went down! Unfortunately it didn’t go back up and it was typical British weather and pouring lol. I’ve had to revive the glass from the runner and tape it up to stop water getting in. Like the other 100 complaints I’ve seen on many forums I’ve checked fuses etc and can’t find any issues at all. I’ve bought forscan which is a great tool and it’s given me this error code B110C but still can’t find a resolution. I finally had enough and tried to trade the car in but no dealer or garage will touch it due to the error message and tape holding the glass up. I decided to take the door apart and have a look. There was no signs of water damage or corrosion. There was a small box inside the door( rear door module) which I replaced off eBay. When it didn’t work I ordered another thinking it was faulty but I think it may have to be programmed to the car which I don’t know how to do as I’m a complete novice. But that said, the module may not even be the issue it’s just a possible cause. Ford needs to take ownership of these problems and stop making cars that get sold in the uk that have water ingress issues. Every Ford owner should be entitled to at least 3 diagnostic scans for updated etc. At present I’m stuck because I’m not sure what to check. My fear is I put it into the garage and it costs a small fortune I quite frankly can’t justify spending on it as I put a bee clutch and gearbox in it recently( not related)
Posted: Sep 4, 2021 (3 years ago)
Check the wiring in rubber sheath where it passes through from door pillar into door for damage / breakage
Posted Sep 4, 2021 (3 years ago)
Replying to post by whittingehame:
Check the wiring in rubber sheath where it passes through from door pillar into door for damage / breakage
Hi Whittingehame,
Thanks for the reply. I will remove the door panel and check that today or tomorrow. I’ve booked the car into the garage on Monday so hopefully I find the root of the problem before then. It’s weird that I’ve read so many things about this and no one seems to have found a fix yet
Posted Sep 4, 2021 (3 years ago)

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