Fiat Multipla gearbox lost a gear

Car: Fiat Multipla
Variant: 110JTD
Model Year: 2000
Categories: Gearbox & Clutch
LAst week 3rd gear started jumping out, now I can't get 3rd gear at all as it jumps out immediately. You can put her into 3rd but she jumps out immediately. So what to do?
Is this a simple problem to fix or is it a replacement gearbox?
Can I replace the gearbox myself, or leave it to the experts?
This last option is £ 850 all-in. Is my Bug worth it as there are other small issues coming up too.
Posted: Nov 28, 2014 (10 years ago)
Good idea to check the cables / linkage first but if only 3rd gear may be the synchro hub worn requiring overhaul or replacing .
Posted Nov 28, 2014 (10 years ago)

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