Fiat Doblo key problem or not

Car: Fiat Doblo
Variant: 1900 DEISEL not turbo
Model Year: 2002
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
my doblo van as an intermitten starting problem iv'e had a brand new key and the code renewed but sometimes the key code light stays on and it won't start .at the moment i'm opening doors re-arming the van etc .is there any way of bypassing the key code . once the code light goes out the van will start right away .and iv'e renewed the key transponder as well but its still the same .any ideas guys because at the moment its doing my head in / URGENT PLEASE
Posted: May 3, 2011 (13 years ago)
have you tried keeping the old key on the key ring, or taping it to the plastic surround by the ignition barrel, where you put the key in
Posted May 4, 2011 (13 years ago)
are there any other keys or metallic objects on the same keyring that might be interfering with the signal try the key on its own
Posted May 4, 2011 (13 years ago)

i have used the old key and changed the key reader around the ingnition but still have the same problem could it be the key code unit
as i have been told this might be the problem
or is there away to bypass the keycode light problem
Posted May 10, 2011 (13 years ago)
Have you had a look at this similar problem:

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Posted Feb 18, 2015 (10 years ago)

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