Citroen Xsara Picasso fan noise when press gas pedal

Car: Citroen Xsara Picasso
Variant: 1.6 petrol
Model Year: 2005
Categories: Engine & DrivetrainGearbox & Clutch
When I press accelerator there’s a noise sounds like a fan. Only when I press gas pedal and take off till around 3rd gear then can’t hear it. Does it every time drive car.

I had clutch replacement to rule that out and still makes same noise.
Posted: Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
No idea what that would be without a lot more info . If it does it as you say when you rev the engine , lift bonnet and get some one to rev engine and see if you can locate noise / area it's coming from
Posted Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
When you start the car and go to take off it sounds like a fan , same as if rev it

Once you build bit of speed up on 3rd gear can’t hear it anymore.

But Everytime start and take off the noise still there.

I have had new clutch replacement , filters , spark plugs etc only thing left I can think of it being is belt or alternator I was told by friend.

I’m new to all this lol and cars isn’t my strong suit. I can fix standard stuff that’s all 😂

Thank you very much for your response buddy. Really appreciate it.
Posted Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
Does the noise disappear when you dip the clutch ? if it was an alternator or belt noise it should be there all the time . Is the air filter box fitted and sealed o.k and no hoses off , PCV valve o.k ?
Posted Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
Replying to post by whittingehame:
Does the noise disappear when you dip the clutch ? if it was an alternator or belt noise it should be there all the time . Is the air filter box fitted and sealed o.k and no hoses off , PCV valve o.k ?
Yes clutch all good when dipped , air fliter box is fitted and secure / sealed , all hose pipes connected and leak free.

I had new clutch fitted 2/3 weeks ago still they’re just baffled on what it could be

Alternator and belt only 2 left I was suggested on
Posted Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
Does the noise disappear when you dip the clutch ?
Posted Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
Replying to post by whittingehame:
Does the noise disappear when you dip the clutch ?
when dip clutch no noise but soon as I press accelerator the noise comes but once you hit around 30 mph or 3rd gear noise isn’t there just repeats Everytime start car an drive again.
Posted Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
It sounds like a clutch release bearing noise or gearbox / layshaft bearings . Take it they checked gearbox oil level .
Posted Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
Replying to post by whittingehame:
It sounds like a clutch release bearing noise or gearbox / layshaft bearings . Take it they checked gearbox oil level .
I’m not 100% sure checked or not. If that’s a possibility Il get that checked asap.

Couple mechanics said nothing to do with clutch or anything so that’s why I thought last 2 options be alternator and belt but if gearbox is a possibility then Il take it to another mechanic shop and have them look at it and see. And ask to check gearbox oil level and lay shaft bearings
Posted Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
" Couple mechanics said nothing to do with clutch or anything "
So what did they say noise was , A lot easier to locate and diagnose any noise when you have the car there to check out ,
Posted Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
Also check for exhaust . exhaust manifold / gasket leaks
Posted Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
Replying to post by whittingehame:
" Couple mechanics said nothing to do with clutch or anything "
So what did they say noise was , A lot easier to locate and diagnose any noise when you have the car there to check out ,
They said checked clutch , bearing , fly wheel etc and was fine

I’m no where near mechanic so I haven’t a clue. But in their words pretty much , clutch is fine no issue , car drives fine they don’t know where noise coming from as everything works as it should.

I said to them car drove with no noise then clutch started making crunching noise when pressed it and then that noise came in so I got whole clutch kit replaced and then noise still there as I got it replacment with all new parts they said not the clutch , fly wheel , bearing etc. so at that point going by what they said I have now run out of ideas of what is causing it.
Now car drives fine doesn’t cut off , jerk or smells etc. bad going up hills but other than that car is grand. Just that noise is annoying and I want to fix it lol.

Mechanics in Belfast mate 90% are con artists other 10% would need to mortgage your home to deal with them lol. Hard to find someone good and reliable and trustworthy.
Posted Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
Replying to post by whittingehame:
Also check for exhaust . exhaust manifold / gasket leaks
Now there might be problem with exhaust I was told front box starting to tear away but should be fine for while but replace it as soon as possible so doesn’t get worse.
I had a look and can see litter coat or casing starting to come off rust etc but other mechanics said not that causing the issue. But I know I do need to replace front box of the exhaust.
Posted Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
A lot of cowboys about who call themselves mechanics and give the trade a bad name at times . The nearest some will ever be to a mechanic is if they slept with one . Really good ones are like hens teeth to get . Pity you cant get someone that could road test and pinpoint the noise . Good ones are often recommended by friends and word of mouth . Sorry cant be of more help , hope you get it solved , best of luck
Posted Sep 29, 2023 (1 year ago)

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