Citroen Xsara Picasso will not run

Car: Citroen Xsara Picasso
Variant: 2hdi
Model Year: 2005
Categories: Electrics, ECU, Warnings & Lights
it all started with the car pulling to ofside this was sorted with a new tyre put the car in the garage but the rear doors would not open so I thought I would press the button on the dash then it would not start rac man looked and tried but could not fix the dash shows economy mode? the rac man said he thinks it might be because the key will unlock the car if you open the door with the key in lock the tailgate does lock with r/c and it also unlocks but that is the only door that does you have to use key in the doors to get in scratching my head please help if you can.
Posted: Nov 11, 2018 (6 years ago)
Economy mode usually means low battery performance.
So see if it will charge up on a charger or get a new battery.
Posted Nov 11, 2018 (6 years ago)
Test , charge or replace battery and also check alternator charging rate .
Posted Nov 11, 2018 (6 years ago)
Have you had a look at this similar problem:

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Posted Jun 12, 2019 (5 years ago)
Have you had a look at this similar problem:

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Posted Jun 12, 2019 (5 years ago)
I had a similar issue on my previous Picasso. Wouldn't start and battery light showing o dash board with economy on info pane on dash. I sent ecu away at a not insignificant cost. It was returned with no fault found. I searched around the internet for a couple of weeks and came across this solution by chance. There is a second fuse box under the main one in the engine bay where 'big thirty/fort amp fuses are found. One had blown and this was causing the non start. Fuse box apparently not mentioned in Haynes manual. Replaced the fuse and all back to normal.
Posted Jun 12, 2019 (5 years ago)

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