Citroen Xsara Picasso battery light on no message in message display and problems with windscreen wipers and indicator.

Car: Citroen Xsara Picasso
Variant: 2.0 HDI SX
Model Year: 2002
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
My xara picassos battery light is on and there is no text in the message is starting fine first time.

Windscreen wipers and indicators wont work only on igniton we must rev once and then it beeps and they both start working.

Lights and everything else work fine....anyone any ideas?
Posted: Jan 18, 2013 (12 years ago)
hi there,I think it would be worth your while to take the car in to somewhere to have the battery and alternater checked before you start going down other roots.
im not a houndred percent shore,but I think halfords give a free ceck,
I do know there is a lot of places that do give free checks on batterys and alternaters.
hope this was some help,hope you get it sorted.
Posted Jan 22, 2013 (12 years ago)

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