Given the fault code and the fact that that could cause your symptoms I'd be chasing that.
But bear in mind it's not the FRPS that's at fault but the electrical supply.
Open circuit means basically not connected/supplied with voltage.
If memory serves it's a 5V supply from the ECU to the FRPS so it's check the V at the ECU through the wire to the FRPS.
Oh and by check I mean loaded with voltage.
Not just putting a multimeter on the wire ends,
that's useless,
French cars can rot the inside of the wires to green and still carry V
If it were here now I'd DISSCONNECT both ends of the harness
And then connect up a jumper wire/21W indicator bulb from the battery to the ground.
If the wire's good the bulb SHOULD glow brightly,
If it doesn't or glows dim the wire is at fault.
And believe me it would not be the first French car to suffer from bad wires.
Posted Sep 17, 2016 (8 years ago)