Citroen C4 citroen c4 grand picasso 2017 model. no dab reception anymore.

Car: Citroen C4
Variant: Grand Picasso
Model Year: 2017
Categories: Electrics, ECU, Warnings & Lights
When I first bought the car, the DAB was working fine, then I noticed that if I was stationery on an "earth loop" say at traffic lights, the DAB lost reception. Ultimately, all DAB stations have now been lost and if I try and tune in, all I get is the station search station lost error report.
The only station I seem to be able to get on DAB is BBC Radio 2. I have scoured the internet and whilst a great many people have the same problem, there are no solutions.
Does anyone have any solutions to the problem please?
Posted: May 31, 2021 (3 years ago)
Many complaints on this problem , sorry no answers to help you .
Posted May 31, 2021 (3 years ago)

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