Citroen C3 air coditioning and interior misting

Car: Citroen C3
Variant: Picasso Diesel
Model Year: 2012
Categories: Leaks & Noises
The interior of my vehicle keeps misting up terribly...the vents are set to window.the vehicle appears to give off a humid scent, the heater,air con appears to change in speed and the whole interior becomes tropical rainforest like with condensation running down all windows,you basically cannot see outside and this is extremely dangerous whilst on motorway. The garage say they can find nothing wrong and cannot reproduce condition. I have provided photo's and they can see how extreme it gets. What advice?
Posted: Feb 22, 2013 (12 years ago)
On a car so new, I think you need to be VERY persistent with the supplying dealer. If you bought it privately, then take it to 2 or 3 other garages and see what they say.
If the car was older I would be thinking aircon re-gas/renew pollen filter.
Sorry I can`t help more.
Posted Feb 22, 2013 (12 years ago)
Thank you Jota... I intend to keep badgering, this car is in at the dealer where I purchased so hopefully if they drive it for a while they may experience the same and I get to resolve the issue.
Posted Feb 22, 2013 (12 years ago)
Wonder if the drain,s correctly routed and draining outside the car,should be warranty issue anyway.
Posted Feb 22, 2013 (12 years ago)
The usual causes for excessive condensation are either the heater intake stuck or kept on recirculation mode or the pollen filter blocked.
Posted Feb 28, 2013 (12 years ago)

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