Citroen C1 new clutch burnt out after 4000 miles

Car: Citroen C1
Variant: 998cc
Model Year: 2015
Categories: Gearbox & Clutch
When fitted by garage had smell of burning when accelerating. Started to over rev when accelerating, from start, had to use first gear to go up steep hill. Garage trying to put blame onto me claiming i must have ridden the clutch (Ive been driving almost 50 years)
Posted: Sep 22, 2021 (3 years ago)
If you had the smell of burning after clutch replacement you should have returned and complained . You could get an independent inspection / report on the vehicle and work carried out , but usually time consuming and may involve litigation and never guarantees a satisfactory result . This is a very common fault on this car.
Posted Sep 22, 2021 (3 years ago)

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