Chrysler PT Cruiser speedometer goes, but does not show km/h and fuel consumption

Car: Chrysler PT Cruiser
Variant: xsara piccaso 2.0 HDI
Model Year: 2001
Categories: Electrics, ECU, Warnings & Lights
There was a problem with the fuse box, were removed all fuses,then put back,and now dont show,how fast I drive,and fuel consumption...
I think I've assembled over a lot of fuses, or there could be a problem???
I have exchanged the fuel pump relay, was dead too....
Sorry for my english:D:D I try:D

Posted: Feb 11, 2011 (14 years ago)
Could try this ,

How to Fix a PT Cruiser' s Speedometer
By Yibbie, eHow Member

User-Submitted Article
If your PT Cruiser' s Speedometer is on the wrong side of the peg and shows that you are doing 0 mph when in reality you are actually moving, then this article will help you fix your speedometer without having to pull apart your paneling inside your car.
Difficulty: Easy
Things You'll Need:
Your keys
Put your keys in the ignition but do not turn the car on.

With your left hand reach over and hold down the trip reset button, the same button that resets your trip mileage next to your speedometer.

While pushing this button, with your right hand turn the ignition to the on position without starting your car.

In a few seconds you should see where your mileage is start to flash numbers... something like 11111111, 22222222, etc.

You will start to notice the RPM gauge and all of your other gauges start to move, what this is doing is resetting all of your gauges, your speedometer should move the opposite way if it is stuck behind the peg.

After you follow these steps your Speedometer should be in the right place and you may continue driving and avoid getting those speeding tickets! I just did this the day before I typed this article and I was surprised it was that easy! I am not sure if it works on other vehicles yet, but I am sure it works on PT Cruisers.

Posted Feb 11, 2011 (14 years ago)

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