Sounds like thermostat jammed open causing engine to run cool and not reach operating temp .Here are another couple of suggestions from an alfa forum,
Re: 145 Heater blows only cold air
Does the engine get up to temperature? If it doesn't, then thermostat as Rosso145 says. If it's totally cold air and the engine does get up to temperature, then it's the bowden cable, which can become detached from the heater flap; hope it's the thermostat as the cable needs removal of a decent chunk of dashboard; easy, but time consuming
Re: 145 Heater blows only cold air
Could be either the thermostat, the heater control cable or heater control valve located on the side of the heater matrix behind the dash (hope it isnt for your sake - ********* of a job to do!!).. Check footwells to see if they are wet, lets hope there not...!
Hope this is helpful .
Posted Feb 23, 2010 (15 years ago)