Having a car problem?

Don't worry, AutoInsider is here to help

Step 1 Post your problem

Add a problem screenshot

Post the car problem you're having, provide as much detail as you can.

You will now have a problem page on AutoInsider where fixes and suggestions can be added.

Step 2 AI Robot

AutoInsider Robot picture

Our AutoInsider Robot will look for similar problems and solutions, connected parts and any relevant recalls. It will post its findings on your problem page.

If you added your postcode it will make sure your problem shows up on nearby lists for local mechanics. Your location and contact details are never visible.

Step 3 Suggestions and fixes

Picture of a mechanic

Your problem can now receive answers, suggestions and links to resources from real mechanics, DIY car experts and owners of the same car who've experienced the same issues.

You can receive an email alert each time your problem gets an answer.

It's up to you what you do then... attempt a DIY fix, take it to a local garage or call a mobile mechanic.

Get started now